Logistics - FOOD

How to send the samples to ALS

The samples can be sent to ALS laboratory by several ways (depending on the storing conditions for each individual analysis).

Contact customer service

You can send the samples:

  • by courier
  • by ALS-DHL Express service (based on special contract between ALS and DHL)

For using DHL service, please find the file How to send the samples to ALS laboratory.

For sending the samples outside EU, please follow this document How to send the samples – outside EU.

In case you send the animal origin samples (from countries outside EU), we are able to manage all necessary documents for easy transport from you to our laboratory. All we need from you is to send us filled Information to application form.

ALS laboratory is attested and registered by the Municipal Veterinary Administration in Prague under Attestation No CZ 11712990, for import, storage and use for laboratory analysis of food and fodder samples of animal origin for the purposes of ascertaining their health safety. Read more in the Decision of Municipal Veterinary Administration about our attestation.

In case of your inquiries we can offer you individual solutions, prepare and manage sending transport boxes etc.


For further support, details or individual inquiry, please contact our Customer Service.

Pick-up service in Czech Republic

ALS offers a pick-up service to take samples from the customer to our laboratory. The samples are transported by car with monitored refrigeration equipment.

Thanks to the strategic location of our offices, ALS is able to collect the samples and carry out sampling throughout Bohemia and Moravia. Samples can be also handed in to any office.

To order pick-up service please contact us.


Our fully qualified samplers take samples of food and potable water and swabs from production or retail. The ALS Laboratory group provides sample bottles and swabs for analysis.

To order sampling service please contact us.

Sample processing in ALS laboratory

Closed and packed samples are transported to ALS laboratories in Prague, Česká Lípa or Pardubice.

Samples are received by the Login Department, checked and entered in the laboratory information system (LIMS). All the information given on the protocol (name, location, date of collection, time of collection, etc) is recorded in the system.

All samples are labelled with a number generated by the system and are subsequently processed in all participating laboratories under this number. This label also includes the generated bar code, which enables simpler handling of the sample, especially identification and monitoring.

Correct sample login is verified. The samples are distributed (in appropriate quantities for the various analyses) and placed in refrigerated rooms. The samples can be processed immediately in participating laboratories.